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Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 17. jūl.
In Au Pair in America
Au Pair in America Runs NYC content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 27. jūn.
How to become an Au Pair in America content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 08. apr.
In Camp America Experience
- think you know the Camp America programme? Think again! ❌ There are always myths going round about how much our programme costs, who can do it and when you can apply and we're here to set it right! 😲 We've created our very own Mythbusters video where you can find out if all those rumours about our programme are true. 👀 Click here or on the link below to watch Mythbusters - the Camp America edition. 🤓
Camp America Myth-busters! content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 25. marts
In Volunteering
Work & Travel Ltd has made it its mission to work with the best. To know more on how you can be part of being a volunteer - check out or send an email to
What happens in a Volunteer program? content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 24. marts
In Volunteering
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 24. marts
In Au Pair in America
I want to do something with my life before I settle down? I love kids, so why not to become an au pair? It’s so easy, i’ll look after those adorable little kids, we are like big happy family and I will live the American dream everyone is talking about… and then the reality hits :). So why is the reality so harsh sometimes? When you are at the orientation then everyone is talking about the ‘honeymoon’. Yes, the honeymoon is the lovely, lovely thing and often times when the honeymoon is done, then the reality hits. It’s not that reality is difficult to handle, rather the situation often is that it differs from what we have expected. How can we prevent it? I mean, make the reality to suit to us? When I talk to the potential au pair candidate and we are preparing the documents and at the very end I tell them how they need to prepare for the phone call then one thing what I address particularly is not to assume anything. Things that are normal to us might not be normal to the host family. When the host mom is particular about certain routine errands in the household and she expects the au pair to do it the same way then who is weird here? My answer here is no-one. There for sure are many things in your home you prefer to do it in particular way. If the au pair is not aware of household rules, then the tiny bit of undone homework lies on the au pair. I always tell applicants that my host family had 40 questions to me. Among those questions were questions like do you have a boyfriend and what kind of food are you accustomed to eat or how do you spend your free time and there were tons of more questions. And I remember thinking, what is it about? Is it the host parents business to ask if I have boyfriend? But the truth of the matter is, this all is very much relevant. Remember not to assume anything. You want to arrive into your life-changing experience feeling like this is exactly what you were talking about with your host parents on the phone / Skype call. You don’t want to arrive and say, oh no, this is not what we were talking about. A little example from my phone call. My family called me and we connected right away. Long story short – we matched at the end of the first call. But there was this one incident where I assumed something and realising it at the arrival was hard bill to take in. So, I asked my host parents if I can use the car on my spare time. The family told me, yes I can. In my head I got a car for my own use whenever I wanted. In reality, I got the car that I had to share with host dad and got to use it twice a week apart from my school time. It was so disappointing. What do you mean I can’t use it whenever I want it? You told me that I can use the car. In reality I did not need the car more than twice a week. I got to use it when I had to go to school, my friends picked me up and there was only 2 days a week I really needed the car. Later on when my host family got to know me better, then they told me that if I should need the car, I am more than welcome to use it. So, it all ended up well, but if I should have asked my host family right away how often I can use the car and what are the other limitations and we had actually discussed the situation, then I would have been happy with the same rule from the beginning. Because I assumed something else, there was tons of emotional exhaustion that really could have been avoided.
What is it about? content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 23. marts
In Work & Travel Australia
Have you ever wondered why a young person should want to take a moment to go abroad and try ever so hard to find a work, possibly in the farm somewhere, earn its money and later on calls it ‘time of his/her life’? The thing is, young people, they are optimists :). Situations that seam so difficult to ‘grown ups’ are opportunities to them. However, it is important to define the opportunities, as most ‘difficulties’ are not worth to tackle. So, how to pinpoint opportunity that is worth while your optimistic approach? This part of the blog is created for all you guys who want to see the world, but somehow it has fallen behind whatever reasons. I am not talking that much about what I have done. Rather I provide information on how to take on the backers path yourself with little as possible fear on failure. There is a song in Estonian that I really like, and sometimes I think that its totally OK to do it that way. The word in direct translation is: I want to fly, but not particularly high :D.
Work and Travel content media
Ketlin Jundas
2019. g. 04. janv.
In Work & Travel Australia
How about that :)? for more
Ketlin Jundas
2018. g. 10. sept.
In Options in Europe
Since I was a little boy I always wanted to ride around different places in Estonia with my bike so to get away from everyday routine the bike trip was a perfect choice for me. About the trip : I'm leaving in August and I plan to travel through Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Czech - Austria - Croatia. On the way I'm planning to visit free will rescuers and make short stories with videos and pictures about them. I'm more than happy to receive all kinds of ideas, support and information that makes my trip a lot more interesting. If you choose to support me financially I'm really happy, no matter the amount. Collected money will be used to keep my two-wheeled friend on the road and going through the whole trip. Bank details : Swedbank EE652200221032039145 Mirko Abel Make your crazy ideas come true and feel free to discover the world! Thank you for the support! Mirko Follow Mirko on his FB page: Sharing is Caring !
Mirko is travelling content media
Ketlin Jundas
2018. g. 02. aug.
In Volunteering
Come join us on this sweet journey filled with culture. You have an option to travel in Nepal while volunteering. This way, you get to experience new culture and traditions whole new way, see the world and make an influence. Get your quote by sending email (don't forget to add, when you see yourself travelling and for how long, also whats close to your heart (working with nature, animals, people, etc). Namaste!
Nepal - We are in love! content media
Ketlin Jundas
2018. g. 19. jūl.
In Volunteering
Being an volunteer is something that will change you and how you see the world. Do you dare to take the first step? To become an volunteer you simply contact us -
Take first step and you will never go back! content media
Ketlin Jundas
2018. g. 17. janv.
Sometimes it is nice to travel through volunteering content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 10. nov.
In Au Pair in America
Siiri on USA's olnud juba mõnda aega. Juba mõnda aega on tema ka blogi pidanud, mida ei ole meil kahju jagada :D Let your dreams come true Hei, hei! Otsustasin, et siiski hakkan ka asju üles kirjutama ja jäädvustama. Ma ei tea kui järjepidevalt ma seda teha suudan ja kuna tulevad uued postitused aga üritan seda teha siis, kui vaba aega on ja kui on, millest muljetada. Igatahes alustan siis tänasest. Täna 5. jaanuaril oli mul lend. Kõigepealt lendasin siis Tallinnast Kopenhaagenisse aga kuna juba Eestist väljudes lennuk hilines pool tundi, siis polnud mul enam laveerimisruumi järgmises peatuses. Nimelt, kui ma Kopenhaagenis maha sain, siis oli vaja kiiruga minna järgmisele lennule, kuhu oli mul aega kõndida kõigest kümme minutit. Esimene lennuk oli üsna pisikene ja kitsas. Kõige naljakam oli minu arust see, et check in-is naine küsis, et kas soovin vahekäiku kohta või siis akna alla, vastasin, et soov on akna alla saada ning kui ma lennukisse läksin, oli üllatus suur. Koht oli küll akna all aga mida polnud oli aken :D. Teine lennuk oli aga mõnusalt suur, mina isiklikult pole veel sellisega sõita saanud. Kõik mugavused olid ju pm olemas, seljatoe küljes oli väike ekraan kus sai igasuguseid asju teha. Mina suutsin selle lennu ajal neli filmi ära vaadata ja veel muusikat otsa kuulata mõned tunnid. Pluss ka see, et sai kaks korda sooja toitu :) Lõpuks siis selle pika lennu lõppedes leidsin üles ka oma autojuhi, kes mind minu nimesildiga ootas. Mees oli väga viisakas, ajas juttu ja tassis kohvrit. Aga muidugi ega ju lennu sõitudest ei piisanud, tagatippu lisandus sellele veel tunnine autosõit hotelli. Hotelli sõites nägin ära ka siis selle kooli bussi, mis lapsi veab ja need legendaarsed kollased taksod. Mis mulle nalja pakkus, olid autot. Mõni üksik auto oli selline, mis on veidi vanemat tüüpi aga ülejäänud olid küll uhked ja võimsad autod ja siin panigi mind imestama see, et taksod on küll täitsa vanad alles :D Igatahes nüüd olen ma hotellis ja kätte on saadud ka oma esimesed juhendid ja tegevused. Üllatuseks oli pere mulle välja teinud ka minu New Yorgi tuuri, mille üle on mul väga hea meel. Ma sain oma hotelli toa ka kätte, hetkel olen ma üksinda kolmeses toas ja seega oli mul eelis valida omale parem voodi aga homse jooksul pidi neid juurde veel tulema. Ja muidugi teile kõigile suur aitäh, kes te mind meeles pidasite ja mulle veel kirjutasite ja edu soovisite :). LOE ROHKEM SIIRI TEGEMISTEST SIIT!
Siiri in the USA! content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 29. okt.
In Camp America Experience
for you to read HERE!
Kätriin was an Camp Councellor and her journey is here content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 23. okt.
In Au Pair in America
Being an Au Pair in America is the perfect opportunity to try something new, take a break from figuring out your whole future and discovering so much about yourself that you didn’t know before.  Read more and get to know what Darta is up to from HERE! More info for local agent is found from HERE!
Darta is having wonderful time in US content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 09. aug.
In Au Pair in America
2016 after graduating high school i decided to travel to US as an au pair. Why did I choose this option? First of all, I had no idea what I wanted to learn in university and at the same time I felt that I want to take a break from all this studying. Second, I wanted to become more fluent in English and third - I feel that I am very optimistic and positive person, maybe more than average Estonian, so I was certain that I will fit in American environment very well. It was weird to meet American family for the first time :) as I had only had couple of Skype talks with them but now, after 7 months being here, I don't even want to think about leaving. I have become so close with my American family. I advise this program and this experience to anyone who wants to see and explore the world. Estonia will always be my home, but i wouldn't change this experience that I have got from America, with anything. There are so many places to see, the culture is so rich and there is so much to experience. Being an au pair has been the best decision I have ever done and I don't see any reason why one should not take up. You are young and there is so much to see and this experience gives great opportunity to get to know yourself better. 2016. aasta suvel lõpetasin gümnaasiumi ja peale seda otsustasin tulla USAsse Au Pairiks. Miks ma sellise otsuse vastu võtsin? Esiteks mul polnud õrna aimu mida ülikoolis õppida tahan ja samas tundsin ka, et vajan õppimisest pausi. Teiseks, mul oli suur soov oma inglise keelt praktiseerida. Kolmandaks - tundsin, et olen palju rõõmsameelsem ja positiivsem inimene kui ülejäänud eestlased ning olin/olen kindel, et ma sobin ameeriklaste keskele palju paremini. Perega tutvumine oli algul natuke imelik, sest olin nendega varasemalt ainult kaks korda Skypes rääkinud. Nüüd, olles siin juba 7 kuud, on nad saanud mulle väga lähedaseks ja ma isegi ei taha mõelda siit lahkumisele. Ma soovitan seda kogemust kõigile kes tahavad maailma avastada. Eesti on armas ja jääb alati koduks, aga ma ei vahetaks mitte miskit selle kogemuse vastu mis ma USAs saanud olen. Siin on palju kohti kus ringi reisida ning kogeda teist kultuuri kogemus annab palju. Au Pairiks olemine on mu elu parim otsus ning ma ei leia ühtegi põhjust miks noored tüdrukud sellele kogemusele ei peaksid ütlema. Noorena olles on palju rohkem võimalusi maailma avastada ja ennast tundma õppida!
Sandra is an au pair in America right now... content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 27. jūl.
In Camp America Experience
Rohkem infot siit: Camp America season 2018 is open!
Camp America programm 2018 hooajaks avatud!! content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 19. jūl.
In Work & Travel Australia
Kes oskaks pakkuda aasta tagasi, et lähen Austraaliasse. Kõik algas sellest, kui panin otsingusse Work and Travel Estonia ja siin ma olen. Alguses 3 kuud USAs ja nüüd aasta Austraalias. See ettevõtmine on olnud suurepärane ja ma soovitaks seda kõikidele, sest nii palju kogemust ja enesekindlust ei suuda anda mitte ükski kursus ega õpetund klassis.
Work & Travel Australia  content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 19. jūl.
In Camp America Experience
CamPower gave me possibility to experience in real life other culture, their religion, traditions and daily life. I also gained new skills in the kitchen by preparing food, organising kitchen work and learning to use different devices. As special blessing was working with chef who worked in some of the best restaurants in New York. Little extra bonus - kitchen is in your service 24/7 if you suddenly crave scoop of night-ice cream. Campower deva man iespēju iepazīt citu tautu kultūru, reliģisko skatījumu, paražas un ikdienas dzīvi, nevis lasot par to teorētiski grāmatās, bet izdzīvojot to ikdienā. Šī programma radīja iespēju apgūt jaunas iemaņas un prasmes, gatavojot ēdienu, organizējot darbu virtuvē un darbojoties ar dažādām virtuves tehnikas iekārtām. Īpaša svētība bija strādāt kopā ar pavāru, kurš ir strādājis pie New York labākajiem šefpavāriem. Un ekstra bonuss - vitruve ir virtuves darbinieku rīcībā 24/7, ja pēkšņi iegribas nakts saldējuma porciju.
Vineta in Camp Livingston Ohio content media
Ketlin Jundas
2017. g. 12. jūl.
In Work & Travel Australia
It is pretty amazing ;). Do you have a question to Denis? Pop them right here to comments and we'll make sure that you get your reply :).
Denis talks about his work in Australia - Find out more!!! content media

Ketlin Jundas

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